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dads against unfair child support

dads against unfair child supportdads against unfair child support

I think not. Shes getting 1150 in child support and 660 in alimony a month. All it took, was one argument, and Ive had CSS on my back ever since. in the priveleged call, the judge urges my exs council to setlle out of court immediately, otherwise should my ex show up in court, the judge would be forced to hold my ex accountable for all of the aforementioned malfeasence. I know a fact that this lady does not use child support money on our child, she uses it on alcohol and other things that have nothing to do with the child, but hey I digress. While they want to raise their children, this becomes frustrating when the mother of their children is refusing to work. She had moved further away making it more expensive for us to fly the kids up for the summer. Since the mother stopped working to go to school (which I am 100% infavor of her accomplishing) she received more state aid for her family of 6. . I have a few credit cards with no balance if I need them. But now she is taking me to court for past amounts as she knows she can get money. Ever wonder why the state doesnt care how the child support money is used, only whether it is paid? I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in two days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after two days. And no government action should have the power to upset equality. And why is it based on income? Child support should be a shared responsibility to provide for the care and maintenance of children, not a requirement to provide a government mandated lifestyle for the children, and by inference, the custodial parent. Like others of you, I take good care of my child, and will continue to do so. Its design results in discrimination against fathers both in terms of custody and child support. Divorce Tips For Men: What To Do With The House? Absolutely right, Stevon! "So, be politely persistent. Terrible child support formula. They bribed my kids with concerts, alcohol, promoted promiscuity, made me look like ai was completely against them having any fun, when I was a considerably lax parent, and knew to pick my battles. The system here in Nebraska needs redone for certain situations. regardless of which parent is custodial both have to pay for clothing, beds, groceries, healthcare, other insurances, school incidentals. She abused him to the point he stopped coming home and slept in his truck. Rose you really are making it sounds so like you created the child alone. You are not entitled to them. If you say its just bevause of visitation your WRONG. 2) Always wear your condoms when having sex. Can I Sue Over Being Sent To Court To Establish Paternity? After I got 50/50 joint custody and married a woman with a child, my monthly expenses still didnt increase by $436 a month even though I added 2.5 people to my household. My own years as single father were lean,. get all the tax breaks like earned income tax credit, child care credit, and they can deduct the kids from their income. That is pennies of the cost of raising my precious spawn. Out dated systemI have 2 boys and share time with them 50/50. No idea what mom was using all the money for. We see her once a month (3-4 days each month usually. But until fathers join forces and push for reform, our sons will face the same fate. The fathers who never pay, never visit, who want nothing to do with their children. I have 1.5 masters degrees in nursing now. You can't reduce your child support payments unless you get in front of a judge. She went to my nieces house with her daughter to get away from him for a week and when she went back he kicked her out. 1. We have 50/50 split custody (in PA) and my ex has lied in court more then 5 times, that she does not work. When youre young and not knowledgeable about law, U.S. policies and your states pros/cons for single fathers trying to get rights to their child. Get this adjusted modified you should only be paying like 1k for 2 kids per month. Its totally free to join, and the federal court relief being demanded includes the full restoral of my child custody rights under law, plus a nice share of the large amount in civil damages expected. Child support is about the child not a flawed or failed relationship. and low and behold im being taken to court to ALTER the child support 2 weeks later.. they want 1200$ a month for 3 kids i never get to see because of her lies and brain washing..I even have to PAY for the visitation i had 3 visits in a year. This system simply destroyed me and any hope i once had. ..child support agenciesare the worst on fathers and treat us like second class parents in Virginia. If his ex wife wouldnt have never married Mr. V and was an actual single mother with no father in sight, wouldnt she still have to dig into her own 140k salary to pay for her children anyway? Its what is best. My current husbands ex wife takes almost $1000 a month from us for 2 kids. For me, thats with the 20k but at the end of the day, what that system puts well intended fathers through is brutal and I sometimes wonder if the system is part of the reason some people just lose it and do crazy things. They are both under the mistaken impression that custodial parents (NOT their children) are entitled to child support payments. I am and always have been an active father. Thats absolutely 100% correct , its just not worth it in this day and age . Child Support Enforcement can be a tool to ensure those dads (and moms) who voluntarily decide not to support their children are forced too, but these laws need to be revamped significantly. Deadbeat dads are not the norm at all nowadays. One point that no one has raised thus far is the universal right to parent a child. No government should ever get in the way of this fundamental right to parent your own children. I AgreeThe system must be changed. Now Im just a stranger to my kids that gives their mother without them knowing. My issue is it is off a gross number. A modification was requested again after his company shut down and he was laid off and we still got no response. Has thrown rocks at them when they were kids. These are just some things that need attention. That is all beside the point. God bless! If the custodial parent cant be bothered to document and substantiate actual costs then they should get either nothing or 50% of a basic formula for what the average costs of a childs educational and healthcare are for whatever age. So he was not making enough money to help in the household therefore came our decesion in opening a business, however this came to a bigger problem the ex found out so she is sending us to court to have her child support increased . I have a life to live. I got it. Its about abusing the system and the children. Have Faith! The judge wont be amused but if youre actually dangerous to the kids, like a lot of whinging dads are, then no, the judge isnt going to help you get access to them. Notice IM NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT MY CHILDREN whom I nursed and sang to as infants etcI loved being a mom and business woman and soldier. So if that card is being used at Victoria Secrets or Louis Vuitton or any other place that doesnt sound like a place for children, thats a 500 penalty on whichever parent. His family avoids me as well because I honestly think they are embarrassed. The government should not have to get involved because you married the wrong guy. Both parents should be supporting themselves and be able to support their children with their own income generally speaking. Men are allowed to get off way to easily. And when they were small kept them 3 days a week! Then she brought in a hand written note that anyone could of wrote. Not because they want to parent or are even able to provide what the child needs. But we all know it isnt bring used for my one and only. I have a phenomenal relationship with my sons father and his wife. Increasing access and visitation. My lawyer told me,Do not need child support any more. Now, on SSDI because could not work any more due to my stroke. In total does about $125000 a year now , who knows if is more. Without going into a lot of detail, I had it pretty bad with support and other divorce obligations. Any parent making that choice of money over the other does not have the childs best interest at heart and should not be the one pulling the strings. Your poor excuse of Darwinian / Draconian dont have kids model is fascist and most relates to the Peoples Republic of China with child limitations. That will eat up $750 a month, by itself. Peonage, however, by definition is forcing an individual to work against his will, however done--by pure brute force slavery, work contracts where one cannot quit, or being compelled by force of law underthreat of arrest. I know one day when my daughter gets older her curiosity will get the best of her and she will find me and ask why. We equally fund the account but neither of us subsidizes the others life. In the meantime, their support payments are a fraction of what it costs to raise their children. If women want a fair fight in this then realize that just because your situation involves a deadbeat dad it by no means that all men are deadbeat fathers. Everyone on this bored is complaining, and rightfully so. Stops going to daycare? Ohohohoho. So no, this isnt about parental rights. Meaning you will go to jail, not see your kids, and the support amount will accrue with interest while you are in jail. I have even seen thia to be true with foster kids. The system sucks! Same holds true for adoption. Woman are equal to men when it suits me. Keep fathers from fathers ans additional siblings is EVEN more wrong than not paying. Unbelievable. So the result even with video proof shes cheating on me while away and paying for it all I get shafted, I was denied full custody ir the house. The first was a rastafarian who claimed he could not cut hair like he used to, and planned to get an hvac license, $300 perge 30 days. Because the mother got mad one day from an argument she filed. I believe the states couldnt care less about whether your child is supported. I pay $1000/month for one child. The judge made me prove how much money I made. True story. He eventually gets a job and after working there for months he and his company receives garnishment notice . How does that help the father payback arrears if he cant drive to find work? They arent worth it! My son is with me 3 months a year. Focusing on the child's best interests and a parent's obligation to provide timely financial disclosure, Canada's highest court made it clear that parents must pay child support consistent with their income. Now take half your paycheck and give it to the next person you see. And the court in Arkansas doesnt care at all that we have 6 children now. Even when the mom proves shes an unfit parent, family court doesnt care. My turn. Sometimes, I am confued whether we (India) copied laws from India or US copied our laws. The woman make the decision wheather to keep the child and the man have no power in that final decision. The child support system is Set up to PUNISH the hard working parent and MOTIVATE the lazy parent to continue to be jobeless and lazy. Holy crap, the excuses here for being a deadbeat. the child support system is flawed in so many ways. Way to go legal system. if you get a divorce and youre a man and have kids if your wife runs off with the pool boy all she has to do is hire an attorney and she will get the kids and you will be basically a ward of the state. If a pregnancy occur from the equal decision is when equality breaks down for the man. Because many judges are locked into the the higher the child support is the better it is for the child mentalitywhich completely undermines the shared parenting approachthey are reluctant to deviate downward in child support award. It not my choice to have every visitation center say sorry your an abuser we will not supervise Thank you!! And while I agree, dont have kids if you dont want child support easy to say, like you never put your pens in the wrong girl? My wife decided to have an affair and marry the guy. I for one am sick and damn tired of good fathers like myself who love my child dearly and see a women who lives and has custody know less about my child than I do. Its not about you and getting what you want. So the men pay and the women get the tax breaks and tax deductions. If your not going to try and work together with him then you do what you do and he does what he does. The average father wont bring home enough money to get a decent place to live where his children can come and stay the night occasionally. Child Support laws are outdated and need to change. Now she left me after 18 yrs with our 15 and 17 yr old kids. He really needs to get with someone that does him the same way so he will no how it feels to be controlled. when BOTH parents want custody) mothers win full custody about 75% of the time. Neither parent should benefit from the arrangement, only the child. The common denominator is not gender, it is parents, and a devious, maniacal government court system, which promotes drama and litigation instead of healthy parenting and avoidance of major life-altering custody disputes, which never have the childrens wellbeing at heart. i feel bad for any child who has to be forced to live this way the law makers should be shot!!!!! Many continued blessings. Absolutely right.. Welp when it finally all adjudicates, $26,000.00 in legal fees later and all the alledged arearages and counterclaims for legal fees and punitive damages dropped and property lien remanded. Joseph Cordell, Principal Partner, licensed in MO and IL only. Im blessed that he is the father of my children. How much are we allowing to occur? He never offered to take or come to any of her appointments or any radiation treatments (Mon-Fri). While many low-income fathers have trouble with accommodating support; how does this level up for the monthers, working two to three jobs, attending college courses and spending the majority of their non-working moments on the expressway, shopping for Schiller clothes and supplies, household goods, groceries, cooking, entertaining, helping with homework, disciplining and a plethora of other responsibilities. But if the primary parent is mom. amen! Also, child support assume the custodial parent is going to use 100% of the funds for the benefit of the child. both of you chose to bring these children into the world so both are equally responsible. To add further insult to injury. I managed to grow up and become successful and am now paying 6 more years of very punitive CA child support to a woman in PA who stole a sperm from me basically when I was young and stupid socially (despite book smarts) now I have a pretty daughter Ive never seen on the other side of the country. Largely because governments and feminists dont want me to have control over their sexual reproduction. In practice, the judge tends to . Im sorry that your son is thrown into a multiple household situation that is only hurting him. Man has pull out method, her word shes on BC, a condom, or abstinence! Ill take sole custody and all the financial responsibility in a heartbeat. Ive paid thousands in CS and they have 4 vacations planned so far and when I get them those 48 hours all I can do is a park and ice cream. Not only am I taking your child away from you, but you now have to pay more for the right to what little time you do have together. Jail is preferred over poverty. The family would adjust for that period. Men say women are bitter, and men are just as bitter for having to pay. These financial incentives also explain why states ignore 42 US Code 654(21)(a), which caps the maximum amount of interest that a state can charge on child support arrears at 6-percent. My older two kids spend more time with their grandparents in a weekend than I have had in a year. I have decided to not even communicate with his family. Men have complete control. Maybe what should change is her will power to not have intercourse without protection. The great news is that you are already aware of the problem being 50/50 custody and split households. My wife began seeing someone else and blamed it on me being distant. We have joint custody. The first year in a half they wouldnt let my daughter see her children of her days. Making one family suffer so lawyers and judges can pad their pockets and the other parent can sit on their butt is criminal. Whenever Dad makes more $, he gets taken back to court to pay more $. The system is broken and bias towards women in almost every way! She was 34, and I was 16. As of last week his drivers license was suspended and the job opportunity he had lined up has backed out because he cant drive for them without a license. Women can get wic, medicaid, and snap (food stamps). whats amazing to me is that, we all know the system is outdated and not fair, but does ANYONE with any power do anything to try and change these really messed up laws? no becuase if they did that means that there will be less jobs, all those people whol get paid from the system would be jobless, so to hell with the middle and low income people. She died in 2014, and a lot of them paid lip service to her after having not talked to her for decades because they stabbed her in the back for being the first fathers rights feminist. When you have kids you cannot afford, or when you cannot afford to give them the life that . Each parent will do the best they can with what they have. I live about 25 miles outside of Cincinnati Ohio. So father pay your child support but what is of more important spending quality time with them. she makes almost as much as meand i BEGGED to have 50/50 custodydeaf ears. Her Honor was not happy that someone without a law degree proved her wrong. Both my parents were deceased before my children were every born. He completely has controlled our lives and finances for the last four years. So many stories of past due child support have to do with parents ignoring our letters, phone calls, subpoenas to court. We decided to open a business because 30% of his check would go to child support. Always has worked, but when the state used to try and find him he moved. The entire financial system, DCSS, and the corrupt IRS needs a complete overhaul or they should get the fight club treatment (see end of movie). Yes i had to get a lawyer, were in process of appeals, 2nd what do you think about the 277,000 home?? Daycare, my foot. We are now divorced and I 1400/month in support. Than not paying say its just bevause of visitation your wrong the universal to... And other divorce obligations they are embarrassed worth it in this day and age stories of due... 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dads against unfair child support

dads against unfair child support