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best place to find antler sheds in colorado

best place to find antler sheds in coloradobest place to find antler sheds in colorado

A study in Mississippi found that individual penned bucks usually shed their antlers during the same week each year. This closure applies to public lands in Game Management Units 54, 55, 66, 67, 551. Its also where I have found many of my sheds. Finding shed antlers can happen anywhere in a deer's home range, usually encompassing hundreds, if not thousands of acres. The best place to find sheds is in feeding and bedding areas where wintering elk spend most of their time. Smaller antlers can be sold by the pound to be used for dog treats and ground for supplements. Sheds are as visible as theyll ever be, and ripe for the taking. Some habitat types to accomplish this goal include tall grass plantings or frozen, thick cattail swamps. Im going to be trying these this season, thank you for the great tip ill be looking this shed season, Your email address will not be published. Bone will shine and catch your eye. When deer feed in ag fields at night theyll often bed down for periods of time, and the adjacent grassy strips offer a prime location for them to take a break. Elk will move down out of the high mountains in early winter when the snow gets too deep and the rifle hunting pressure abates. sunken stomata and transpiration.. best places to shed hunt in utah. Before bombing over to retrieve it, keep glassing from that vantage point. Come back next March and search again. Yesterdays blog explored the enthusiasm some of us have for finding shed antlers and how that enthusiasm can turn into an obsession that threatens wintering mule deer and elk. When you start searching in these high-priority locations first, you can eliminate huge areas that have very little potential. The link between where you are likely to find a buck's shed antlers and where you are likely to shoot that buck in the fall is way overrated. The best places to find shed antlers are areas that hold deer during certain parts of their daily routine, which increases the likelihood of you finding antlers. (Photo by Ryan Rothstein) Most deer hunters have spent years by now reading about the basics of shed hunting - you know, food sources, heavy trails, bedding areas, etc. Healthy bucks will typically shed their antlers at the tail end of winter. Elk are vulnerable in the early spring after enduring a long, cold winter. Were seeing all sorts of people who just want to get out in the woods in the spring and have some fun with their dogs, says Dokken. This is independent of other bucks cycles and is probably centered on birth date. Access the newest seasons of MeatEater, save content, and join in discussions with the Crew and others in the MeatEater community. Once youre allowed onto the land, get to where you watched a bull group shrink, and start looking. Usually, bull elk shed their antlers beginning in mid-to-late March later than any other North American cervid, and months after the rut, when the antlers served their role in battling competitors for cows to mate with. You can also find informational handouts at the Jackson Hole & Greater Yellowstone Visitor Center which is located at 532 N. Cache Street, or on the web at http://1.usa.gov/1pyxSp2 . In much of the Midwest, corn and soybean fields are king when it comes to deer nutrition. Theres gold in them hills! If it is raining lightly, that's fine. But the odds are good; 90-percent or more of the antlers you discover are going to be found in one of three locations. That makes the eastern forest prime shed hunting territory. With his new rack the next fall, the deer would be Boone and Crockett, and living on Dons farm. Look for low-hanging branches or brush that may encourage an antler to drop. I was aware that the little guys did chew on antler sheds but I am still having a very hard time believing that what sheds I can haul off would have any effect on any part of the ecosystem. Ask a local wildlife biologist or game warden for help. Any tips too find Fallow deer antlers? Gary Lewis / For The BulletinA pair of mule deer bucks on winter. On May 1st at midnight, the National Elk Refuge will open its road up so elk antler shed hunters can access forest service land to collect antlers. An old-timer in Wyoming who finds more than 100 whitetail sheds on his river bottom ranch every year taught me this trick. Public lands are usually full of these kinds of cuts, which can be part of your overall strategy. Deer drop typically when there is still snow on the ground, but this really depends on the terrain that you're shed hunting. Although shed collection is not a new activity in Colorado, there is evidence that it is rapidly growing in popularity. In 2018, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission voted unanimously to prohibit shed antler and horn collection on all public lands west of I-25 from January 1 through April 30, annually. I find a few antler sheds is all but my point is there are just too many elk to worry about a mouse getting enough calcium. One consistency Ive come to realize over the past two seasons is that elk shed hunting is simply a different ball game. Grid searching a steep, south-facing hillside with your binoculars from an opposing vantage point is an excellent tactic for covering ground while staying anonymous to the mountains inhabitants. What do we mean by browse? Kelly notes that in South Dakota this time of year, deer are attracted to winter wheat several miles from the farms he hunts, and around those fields is where he starts his annual shed search. Excellent point. The Land of Lincoln is another classic deer hunting state where scores of giant sheds are found each season. Some sheds are white, others are brown and blend into the grass and leaves. This past Winter, snowfall was heavy in December, January, and February but March and April were mild with very little accumulation. Elk are tough to pattern because they seldom follow a daily routine, but they do value a simpler path up and down the mountains, especially during the winter. The south side of a hill gets more sun in a 24-hour period than any other part of a landscape, making these slopes a top spot for deer to find warmth during the cold months. Many areas restrict access until elk are off their winter range. By knowing such a thing, a shed hunter can follow fence lines to scout for dropped antlers. That being said, youll want to wait to check out any bedding areas for shed antlers until you know that bucks have dropped them, simply because you can chase them to a neighboring property before theyre ready. The terrain is tough, the air is thin and the distance is far, but If you are willing to put in the work, shed antler success will follow. Focus instead on these high-priority areas alone and take the time you need to look more thoroughly. But there are certain places prone to finding bone. Spend some time observing deer at other times of year, and youll be well on your way to learning some shed hunting hotspots. Illinois, like Iowa, is another largely agricultural state which makes zeroing in on the big sheds fairly easy. Whitetail hunting strategies for the next generation. Hazel or dogwood thickets offer a similar benefit on undisturbed upland sites, while alder or willow swamps are the equivalents for wetland sites. But while everyone is consumed with the idea of looking for these magical shed antlers, they often get confused about where to look for shed antlers. They helped ignite my interest in deer as a child and continue to contribute important work on the subject. That is where they may jar them loose. But when they are harvested each fall, deer need to instead scavenge waste grain on the ground. Theres gold in them hills! That may seem like common sense, but youve probably walked by many because you werent looking. Winter can be extremely difficult on wildlife as body weight is down and access to food is very limited. We are talking about public land, and if you think youre the only guy out there looking for bone, youre going to get your feelings hurt real quick! Its no secret that quality destination food sources are an ace in the hole for piling up sheds on hunting property. We where going at 70mph so we couldnt stop. Required fields are marked *. In winter, deer often shift from the areas they frequented in the fall to take advantage of changing food availability and winter cover. Bigger bulls and elk in general, prefer seclusion and will not tolerate human interaction, which is why you also find them at higher elevations. They carry their horns for life. Basically, any palatable woody species can be called browse, but some of the winter favorites include maples, oaks, basswood, fruit trees, white pine, and white cedar. When this kind of place comes into view, you can feel the energy change in a group of shed hunters. Examples of these types of obstacles: Fence crossing: This is a very good example as when a buck or bull tries jumping the fence, there are chances that the loosened antlers will shed. People often overlook food plots for shed hunting. Colorado prohibits shed antler hunting west of Interstate 25 from January 1 through April 30. Eckley spends a lot of time in the forest. My dad has been looking for 40 years! So, how does one play this game of hide and seek? In an effort to minimize disruption to residential areas of East Jackson the Town Council has requested that several temporary No Parking zones be established in East Jackson on Broadway, Nelson, Rancher, Absaroka, Wapiti, Redmond and Simpson. It was a truly remarkable animal that we called Moose, he says. Maybe you know what Im talking about. Big bull elk winter in bachelor groups, says Schaufler. Prices vary among antler buyers, but Grade A bone is currently fetching $16-$20 a pound. The method is pretty simple: Drive every inch of the roads that the elk or deer travel and glass any possible location where they could have lost an antler. * Target the areas where deer bed and where they move from bedding areas to feeding areas. Think smart and travel to areas with less hunting pressure where deers migrate to survive and drop their antlers. Assuming the bucks other antler taped 75 and that he had a decent rack spread, that giant would have pushed 170. Michael Hanback Public land elk are exceptionally wary animals, so they will follow the ascending spring snow line to stay away from harm and to feed on fresh vegetation. Although mule deer and elk wintering areas will have some cross-over, most of the lower elevation elk sign will be cows and young bulls. May have a chip or slight broken tine. If not, branch out, locate the herds and try to get permission to shed hunt those lands. It feels like looking for an actual needle in a haystack after a while. Grid searching a steep, south-facing hillside with your binoculars from an opposing vantage point is an excellent tactic for covering ground while staying anonymous to the mountains inhabitants. In winter when a buck's antlers are dropping, his life revolves around finding the best quality food to replenish his body after the peak rut period. Please note that all comments are moderated and may take some time to appear. Mule deer winter in bush-and-shrub habitats, says Wait. I've found that single trees and patches of conifers specifically attract mature bucks, so make sure to hit each isolated pocket of evergreens you see. Once the snow melts, revisit those sites. This year the National Elk Refuge Road will open at midnight on May 1st. If you're shed hunting flat, sage brush country, then getting out and hiking grid patterns through the sage brush usually pays off. Deer will often rub their antlers on trees or other objects to shed them. Just substitute an antler, get your dog used to finding and picking it up and having fun with it, and youve got the makings of a shed dog., READ NEXT: 7 Myths About Shed Hunting Dogs. A mild Spring caused the elk to move back up to higher areas of the mountains during the time that the majority of shedding occurs. Other studies of captive deer show that bucks usually shed both antlers within three days of each other. Its also impossible to forecast the amount of snow elk will need to endure during the winter. Antlers are hardest to pick out in full, harsh sunshine. Keep your search humane and. After a while . From there, branch out a bit more and follow deer trails to nearby bedding areas. Depending on the harshness of the recent weather, it doesnt hurt to wait till the end of May or even June to shed hunt. Just be sure to respect the animals and please stay out of their wintering areas. If youre a deer hunter or any kind of outdoors-lover, youre probably racking up some miles on your boots right about now in the pursuit of shed antlers. These areas include: Grassy buffer strips; Isolated evergreen areas; Hillsides that are facing south; Winter is the prime time when deer eat and bed. For more information regarding the May 1 Refuge access and travel changes please contact the National Elk Refuge at (307) 733-9212 or stop by their administrative headquarters located at 675 East Broadway. Receive all of our latest articles, videos, and newsletters delivered directly to your inbox. One of the best ways to find antlers is to look for antlers. Much like livestock and cattle, elk require an average of 20 pounds of grass and browse vegetation to sustain themselves through a harsh Winter so its imperative to locate food. Mule deer are found at lower elevations during the winter months, making them easier to pattern and are easily accessible. Antlers are hardest to pick out in full, harsh sunshine. Fortunately, there are volumes of information on deer and elk to learn more about their biology. You might want to sell some, so how much are they worth? Many hunting dog trainers now add shed antler training to their list of services. When youre glassing a mountainside, stare a little deeper at the edges of game trails. That may seem like common sense, but you've probably walked by many because you weren't looking. While it is true that these restrictions may overlap with some hunting seasons, the amount of pressure put on the animals will be limited by the number of hunting license holders. The goal of the Police Department is to maintain a high level of quality of life for Jackson residents in the least obtrusive manner possible. Windblown Hilltops. This years drop and picked up within a few weeks or months. From January through March, 80 percent of the whitetails are congregated in 20 percent of any given habitat that has the best food sources, which are limited this time of year. When you start searching in these high-priority locations first, you can eliminate huge areas that have very little potential. Well never be able to go on a simple stroll through perfect shed hunting land and scoop antlers up left and right. In more northern regions outside of the farm belt, dense conifer stands offer a similar level of protection from winter, with some additional benefits. Stay on the Trail. Well, its more of a slightly faded, brownish gold. Wardens watch social media, as they should, so dont get jammed up. You can train your family pet, say a Lab or golden retriever you keep in the house, to hunt sheds. Deer spent a lot of time loafing in these areas in January and February, and bucks often drop bone there. This is where the deer will feed. And, if youre lucky enough to spot one, mark the antlers location using OnX. Roaming his Iowa farm one April day, Don Kisky stepped on what felt like a stick. When this kind of place comes into view, you can feel the energy change in a group of shed hunters. Chalk costs between $1 to $3 per pound and strong whites have an average cost between $8 to $11. The freshly felled trees will provide lots of young tender browse that was inaccessible to the deer, but the sudden infusion of sunlight will also produce lots of stump sprouts next summer. I spend as much time (if not more) in the woods during the spring as I do during hunting season. Finally, get out period, too many let laziness and the cold winds keep them indoors. The general price changes every year, and locations will . The deer trail. A deadhead like Moose is an incredible if sad find. Elk are vulnerable in the early spring after enduring a long, cold winter. If last year was more on the dry side, antlers will drop sooner. Pick it up. I recommend starting with the works of biologist Valerius Geist and photographer Leonard Lee Rue III. The entire purpose of my blog is to document my findings as I embrace a new lifestyle in a much more extreme terrain and environment. The April 30 date is intended to help minimize additional stress during this critical time frame. The Pro-Cam 12 is a great trail camera that you can use throughout the year to keep tabs on the deer herd. , an elks seasonal migration averages around 15 miles to a suitable winter range. With everything you can learn about the deer you hunt or the habitat you hunt them in, shed hunting can be a great learning opportunity. If a person accumulates 20 or more license suspension points within a five-year period, that person could be suspended from hunting and fishing for up to five years. It includes the best descriptions yet of what a deer experiences when it sheds an antler his firsthand observations (and photos) suggest its as disorienting as you might imagine. For many years the Refuge allowed people interested in accessing the National Forest on May 1 to line up on the Refuge Road beginning April 30. After youve scouted a hillside and confirmed there are no animals to pester, travel these paths while checking both sides of the trail. RAV-Cheatgrass-Tool-Improve-Bobwhite-Habitat, Sagebrush & Sage Species Conservation Strategy. Elk are tough to pattern because they seldom follow a daily routine, but they do value a simpler path up and down the mountains, especially during the winter. think you get the point. For mule deer, Joe Huttos recent book (and PBS Nature documentary) Touching the Wild is a wonderful and provocative read, a must for any deer enthusiast. If you happen to find isolated evergreens or a grassy buffer strip that are also on a south-facing slope, immediately stop in your tracks, gather your wits, and proceed slowly with your eyes glued to the ground. In addition to fines, each violation carries five license suspension points that are assessed against the violator's privilege to apply for, purchase, or exercise the benefits conferred by any licenses issued by CPW. "Those are the real tough ones that are hardest to keep from violating these closures because these antlers are worth enough (that) it's worth the risk for them." Enforcement captain Bob Weaver. Spin it in your hand. They were lying there side by side, and it was obvious the buck tried to slip under the fence. If the annual moisture amount was higher, elk will hang on to their headgear longer. Antler drop occurs as a result of falling testosterone levels, which are tied to changing length of daylight. Loud, fast-moving OHVs and snowmobiles are major sources of wildlife stress. Bi 09/04/2023 09/04/2023 Youve found a shed, but guess what that means? These tall grasses shield deer from icy winds and stay upright through ice accumulation and heavy snows. Any grassy crop field edge is a must-search for antlers. these trails are obvious on a hillside. The best shed hunters I know cover 7, 10 or maybe 15 miles per day in a slow, controlled pattern (more on that later). If that is on the same ground where you hunt, great. I am a biologist in western Canada so this is not an uninformed comment. 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best place to find antler sheds in colorado

best place to find antler sheds in colorado